A grammar of Matses

Autor:David William Fleck
Editora:Rice University
RegiãoVale Javari
Sinopse:This dissertation is a synchronic decription of the grammar of the Matses language (also know as Mayoruna; Panoan family) as currently spoken by the Matses people living in Amazonian Peru and Brazil. The Matses language is spoken by 2000- 2200 people, Amerindias who were first contected in 1969 and continue to pursue traditional subsistence practices. This is the first attempt at a comprehensive description of the grammar of Matses; full-length grammars of no other Panoan language exist. Matses phonology, morfology, and syntax are the principal topics of this work. It follows a traditional format and is organized so that it can be used as reference. The introductory chapter briefly provides information about classification of the language (particularly the Mayoruna subgroup), demography, physical settings, history, ethnography, literature review, and metgodology. The second chapter describes Matses phonology, including an inventory of distinctive segments, syllable structure, morphophonology, prosody, sound symbolism, and borrowing. The next seven chapters are on morphology (an introduction to morphology, followed by six chapters describing the morphology of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, postposictions, and particles). All aspects of morphology are treated in these sections, including identification of word classes and subclasses, affixation, clitics, reduplication, and class-changin processes. Acompanha Cd-Rom
Localização Institucional:Banco de Teses e Dissertações On-line
Numero Chamada:None
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